Cell Phones: I think cell phones are a great thing. I think it is stupid to be on the phone and driving at the same time. It’s even dumber to text and drive. Some people just never learn. When I’m driving around town, most of the people that are driving like dumbasses are texting, talking on the phone, smoking, or eating while driving.
White House crashers: They should go to jail. In this post 9/11 America, anyone who fucks with America in any way should be locked up. If I go to the Pentagon and need an escort to take a shit, anyone who shows up at the White House without invitation and meets the President should be behind bars.
Diets: Simply put-THEY DON’T WORK! Here’s something interesting that will work: QUIT EATING SO DAMN MUCH FOOD AND EXERCISE.
Black Friday: I hate it. No good comes out of it. I’d rather do online shopping and have shit delivered. This way I stay safe. The retarded-ass Wal-Mart Black Friday shoppers of New York last year really showed how stupid people can get. A guy died and people wouldn’t disperse. Damn.
Expressing opinions online: My wife and I express our opinions online through Blogger, MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube. There are some people out there that don’t like that. All I can say is this: Neither my wife nor I say anything to intentionally offend anyone. We express opinions just like anyone else. If this is a problem for any of you, report abuse at the respective websites. I won’t remove videos or blogs for anyone, and neither will my wife. Those days are gone.
Thank you for posting this on here, honey!! I agree with the part about removing blogs, videos, comments, etc. from ANY of our stuff in particular, honey!! I think that the "Comment police" need to grow the hell up and GET OVER THEMSELVES. I'm sick and tired of people who think that they are "So entitled" to say WHATEVER THEY WANT, WHENEVER THEY WANT with NO REPROCUSSIONS on their end, but you and I can't say Jack Shit WITHOUT shit getting said to us about it ANYWHERE or at ANY TIME. I have lived long enough with being mistreated over me being "NOT permitted to express or HAVE an opinion on x, y or z" that all I can say is that shit is SO OVER WITH HERE. Anybody who doesn't like what I have said here can KISS MY CHUBBY, WHITE ASS at this point!