This is a series of blogs that I feel need to be "Puble Service" blogs for one reason or another and these blogs would not fall under any of my OTHER blog series, for various reasons. Fair warning, though -- some of the stuff that MIGHT be on this blog chain MIGHT and COULD BE rather disturbing in nature, so consider yourselves warned right now in advance of these "Sensitive Matter(s)."
This is an example of what I was talking about the the video that I posted in here recently and I wanted to share it with all of you today. Let's face it, my hubby, (who is the man in this video) is a wonderful person and I unconditionally love him. Tony is WHY I made this video in the first place and I wanted to share it with everybody, because I will love Tony until my dying day!
Here's something that I wanted to share with all of you here. Granted, I know that it's been a while since I've shared my thoughts with all of you in this way with a public service announcement on this blog, but considering that things that are moving through Congress right now, it gave me something really to talk about here.
Enjoy watching the following video! I hope that you all also contact your sentators and representatives to get the law that I'm talking about in this video here!