Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Music Video Attempt

Hello All:

This is an example of what I was talking about the the video that I posted in here recently and I wanted to share it with all of you today. Let's face it, my hubby, (who is the man in this video) is a wonderful person and I unconditionally love him. Tony is WHY I made this video in the first place and I wanted to share it with everybody, because I will love Tony until my dying day!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Public Service Announcement And Rant About Anti-Music Law

Hi All:

Here's something that I wanted to share with all of you here. Granted, I know that it's been a while since I've shared my thoughts with all of you in this way with a public service announcement on this blog, but considering that things that are moving through Congress right now, it gave me something really to talk about here.

Enjoy watching the following video! I hope that you all also contact your sentators and representatives to get the law that I'm talking about in this video here!