Sunday, July 18, 2010

New Vatican Rules And Some Thoughts About Those Rules

Hello All:

I just wanted to share this below video about the Vatican changing its rules on child abuse.  I say "It's about darn time!!  It took them long enough to at least get this much put together!!  I just wish that the Vatican had done a whole lot more than what they did, but at least this is a start!!"

I know that certain people here might have the impression that I am bashing the Roman Catholic Church.  Let me clarify my thoughts on the Catholic church and the people who are Catholic  --  I do not dislike Catholics or what some of them stand for  --  it is the fact that I do not like what some of the stuff that they believe!!

As I mention in the below video, I know for a fact that there are "Certain people" out there that love to lie on me and twist shit up that I say either here on blogger or over in you tube to people that know me personally, then go and repeat these lies to others that know me as well.  I have made my mind up in relation to these "Certain people" and I want to say it here in writing, so you can't say that you didn't even see it here in blogger  --  if and I mean if you don't like what I say below, do not go to certain other people and lie on me  --  get your head out of your butt and call me on the phone directly, instead of calling up those other people that you like to call to lie on me to those others here!!  If I find out that whomever has done the lying on me has done so, I am so going to sit you down with Tony and the afore named others that you lied to on me and you're going to have some serious explaining to do on your hands with all of us in person and no, you are not going to be getting out of the conversation in person with me either, because I am not going to allow you to continue lying on me behind my back any more!

With all of that said, here is the video for you.  Let's just say that, well, "It took them long enough over there in the Vatacn to figure it out here!!"